Group 13
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Our expertise
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Sorting batteries
Wherever you hand in your used batteries in Belgium, they all end up in Tienen
Dismantling EV batteries
Before an EV battery can be recycled, it first has to be removed and dismantled
Battery safety advice
We offer tailored advice. Contact us, we are happy to help
Sampling of battery waste streams
We collect data in the field, this allows us to obtain information about the market
Secure, collect and store industrial batteries
Do you have a damaged battery that needs to be picked up?
Contact us
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Foundation / logo / white
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Our expertise
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Sorting batteries
Wherever you hand in your used batteries in Belgium, they all end up in Tienen
Dismantling EV batteries
Before an EV battery can be recycled, it first has to be removed and dismantled
Battery safety advice
We offer tailored advice. Contact us, we are happy to help
Sampling of battery waste streams
We collect data in the field, this allows us to obtain information about the market
Secure, collect and store industrial batteries
Do you have a damaged battery that needs to be picked up?
Contact us
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